• Safeguarding


Matthew Beresford

Matthew BeresfordHead Teacher

Standards / Phase, Area & SL Strategic Direction / Assessment /Equality/T&L / ICT Infrastructure & Procurement / CPD & PM / Designated Safeguarding Lead & Prevent duty / H&S / Accounting Officer / Stramongate Nursery Trustee / Governor/MFL, Spanish Subject Leader. Paediatric First Aider

Karen Alston-Hewitt

Karen Alston-HewittInclusion Manager

SENCO deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead / all Disadvantaged & Vulnerable Groups / Attendance

Emma Anderson

Emma Anderson Year 3/4

FS/KS1 Phase Leader / English Subject Leader / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

All staff and Trustees take part in annual safeguarding training and receive regular updates.

Operation Encompass

Stramongate School is an active member of Operation Encompass alongside Cumbria Police.

The project, Operation Encompass, has been designed to provide early reporting to schools/nurseries/colleges of any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of the setting’s hours and might have an impact on a child attending setting the following day.